
STD Labs Blog :: Page 79

Date:   July 19th, 2016
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In February of 2015, the report about the fear of the parents with daughters who will be vaccinated with HPV will not treat it lightly to start having dangerous sex based on a new study.  According to a new research, they hope that the results that were published in February 2015 can help make the parents sleep soundly at night time. For decades, the experts have made their recommendations that the girls and young ladies must be vaccinated for HPV, which is the STI that can actually cause genital warts and in some individuals, it may lead to cervical cancer. Most of the instances of cervical cancer among American women are brought about by the stubborn HPV infection according to the experts.

Date:   July 16th, 2016
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Last July of 2015, there was a principal alteration in the Pap test rules that was introduced in 2009. It may have had some unwanted results though. Some of the young women are skipping this test meant for chlamydia, which is a typical kind of STD that may also lead to infertility if it will remain undetected. This information is based on a small yet fresh research that found out chlamydia screening in 15-21 year old plunged after the national rules were altered to daunt the routine pap smear test for cervical cancer before the woman reached the age of 21 years old, since the proof showed that it didn’t provide any advantage for young women.


Date:   July 13th, 2016
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This is the study about the foods that kids usually eat. There are other foods on your table that may affect the way your child eat their veggies, this is in accordance with the newest study conducted by the researchers. In Texas, there is a university wherein the researchers looked on around 8,500 elementary school kids and they have discovered that they were more likely to eat their veggies if another food on the table is not as delish. They tend to focus on it according to the report. For instance, the veggies are usually neglected if there were hotdogs, chicken, nuggets, steak or burgers on the table. However, the kids tend to eat more of the veggies if there are other items placed on the table like deli sliders. The research may lead to new methods to persuade the kids to eat more of the veggies that come with the school meals. This is in accordance with the post. 90% of the American kids are not fond of eating enough amounts of veggies in accordance to the CDCP.


Date:   July 10th, 2016
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1 in every 4 sexually active gay and bisexual men must take the medicines regularly to help in preventing HIV, the virus that brings AIDS and that is in accordance to the newest report from the CDC.   According to the CDC, the drug treatment called for the pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP marked just under the brand name Truvada. It can also help in the reduction of the risk of having sexually acquired HIV by more than 90%. It may also help in the reduction of the risk of having HIV infection by among those who injected the drugs by more than 70%.  The CDC has just said that 1 in every 200 sexually active heterosexual adults must also get PrEP to secure them if their partner is HIV positive, of whether they have different partners who are at a higher risk of being infected.

Date:   July 10th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

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Nevada is suffering from the highest rate of syphilis in the West part of the US after an outbreak occurred in Vegas. The Health officers say that it is a part of the national confound in instances linked to the increased testing, the rise in the unknown sex linked to social media and less responsible sexual activities. Social media has something to do with syphilis in the gay community and it has alerted the health officers to take some educational awareness and to reach out the people through their websites and applications. Some of the cases, making profiles or buying advertisements work. 

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