
I want to find more information on Hepatitis B

  • Symptoms

  • Risk

  • Lab Test

  • Treatment

  • Summary

What are the symptoms of Hepatitis B

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In some cases, an individual infected with Hepatitis Bwill have no knowledge of the infection and display no symptoms or very mild symptoms. This is why getting checked regularly is so important. Not only can untreated Hepatitis B cause complications, but having an undetected infection makes it more likely that a person will unknowingly spread the disease to others. The only reliable way to accurately determine whether or not you have a Hepatitis B infection is to undergo an easy STD screening for the disease. Approximately 70% of infected individuals will display some symptoms of the infection. Some common symptoms of Hepatitis B that can be present during either the acute or the chronic stages are fever, loss of appetite, nausea, weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), fatigue, abdominal pain, dark urine, or clay-colored bowel movements. Symptoms generally present themselves anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months after an exposure.

What are the risks associated with Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B $15

Hepatitis C$20

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Hep B & Hep C)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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When left untreated, Hepatitis B infections can lead to very severe and long lasting health problems. Acute Hepatitis B infections, when left undetected, can develop into chronic infections. While acute infections are usually curable with proper medical treatment, chronic infections are NOT curable, though they can be managed with medical care. Long term complications of chronic Hepatitis B infections can include liver cancer, cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and ultimately, death. This is why it is crucial to undergo routine STD testing in order to detect an infection in its early stages and quickly initiate a treatment plan.
Individuals that are at higher risk of contracting Hepatitis B are:
» nous drug users
» Homosexual men
» Sexually active individuals who have multiple partners
With all of the risks involved with an undetected infection, it is very important to be sure you know your status. Don't take a chance with your health, get checked today with us.

How does getting tested for Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B $15

Hepatitis C$20

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Hep B & Hep C)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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Getting checked for Hepatitis B is a very easy process. Our Hepatitis B screening involves no uncomfortable swabbing or undressing. Simply place your order and bring a copy to one of our certified lab centers. No preparation is needed so you there is no need to fast or do anything beforehand. When getting checked for Hepatitis B, you will only need to submit a blood sample. We use this sample to complete a Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Test, which screens for antigens, or proteins, on the surface of the virus. The Surface Antigen Test can accurately distinguish between a new Hepatitis B infection and an old one. This screening is FDA approved and is one of the most reliable detection methods available. Your results will be available to you in as little as three days. If your results are positive, you will have a consultation with a member of our clinical team to plan your next course of action and, if appropriate, treatment will be prescribed.

What are the treatment options for Hepatitis B ?

Hepatitis B $15

Hepatitis C$20

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Hep B & Hep C)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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Treating Hepatitis Bcan be very successful if the infection is caught in its earlier stages. Acute Hepatitis B is often curable, but as it progresses to a chronic infection, it becomes incurable and any damage that is done by the infection cannot be reversed. This is why it is so important to catch it in the early stages. Once an acute infection has been identified, one of our physicians or a referred specialist in your area will guide you on your treatment plan. Typically, this includes a combination of bed rest, fluids, and time. It is very important that you follow all the specific medical instructions. Be sure that not only you are receiving the appropriate treatment but that any infected sexual partners are additionally being treated for the disease as well. Even with proper treatment, an acute Hepatitis B infection may take several months to go away. Sometimes, it is not cured and the infection becomes chronic. At this point, there is no cure anymore and a specialist in your area will guide you with further management of the infection.

Hepatitis B Summary

Hepatitis B $15

Hepatitis C$20

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Hep B & Hep C)

Complete Test Panel + $320 HIV Early Detection

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Hepatitis B is a disease that can be transmitted through blood or sexual fluids. It can cause very severe complications so it is important to educate yourself on the facts about Hepatitis B, how to prevent infection and how to identify possible symptoms. If you are facing a positive STD test result for Hepatitis B, know that you are not alone. Over 78,000 people contract this disease every single year according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and over 1 million people live with chronic Hepatitis B infections. While a positive result may seem scary, treatment for Hepatitis B is quite easyif you have caught early. Our clinical staff can assist you in planning your next move and may be able to prescribe treatment directly or refer you to a physician in your area who will do so. ThoughtHepatitis B is treatable and sometimes curable, it is also very easy to prevent. Abstaining from sexual activity and intravenous drug use are the number one ways to prevent contracting Hepatitis B. If you choose not to abstain, however, using clean needles and safe sex methods can help you avoid an infection. Condoms and dental dams are effective means of preventing an infection from being transmitted from partner to partner. Additionally, it is important to know the status of your sexual partners. Engaging in monogamous sexual relationships with uninfected partners is an effective preventative measure. Talk openly with your partner(s) about their sexual health and yours and consider undergoing regular STD testing together as a way to prevent the

Hepatitis B Cases In Men

Hepatitis B $15

Hepatitis C$20

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Hep B & Hep C)

Complete Test Panel + $320 HIV Early Detection

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