
I want to find more information on Syphilis

  • Symptoms

  • Risk

  • Lab Test

  • Treatment

  • Summary

What are the symptoms of Syphilis

Syphilis $55

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Often times, an individual infected with syphilis will have no knowledge of the infection. This is why testing regularly is so important. Not only can untreated syphilis cause complications, but having an undetected infection makes it more likely that a person will unknowingly spread the disease to others. The only reliable way to accurately determine whether or not you have a syphilis infection is to undergo an easy STD screening for the disease. There are three stages of a syphilis infection. In the primary stage, the most common symptom is a small sore, lasting anywhere from three to six weeks. As the infection progresses to the secondary stage, more sores may appear on the body in the areas around the vagina, anus, and mouth. Skin rash may also occur. Other symptoms of a secondary stage infection are fever, tiredness, headaches and muscle aches, hair loss, weight loss, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes. Many of these symptoms often lead to a misdiagnosis of a more common infection, such as the flu. During the third stage of the disease, known as the latent stage, all previous symptoms disappear, which can mislead a person into thinking they are well. However, the damages that are caused during this latent stage are the most severe and often irreversible. Latent stage syphilis can cause internal organ damage, numbness, dementia, paralysis, and gradual blindness. The damage caused in this stage can ultimately lead to death.

What are the risks associated with Syphilis

Syphilis $55

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Syphilis)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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When left untreated, syphilis infections can lead to very severe problems in both men and women. Men and women that have a syphilis infection are also at a higher risk for contracting HIV during an exposure. Additionally, women have experienced miscarriagesfrom complications related to a syphilis infection. Long term, syphilis can lead to brain damage, paralysis, organ failure, dementia, and ultimately death. With all of the risks involved with an undetected infection, it is very important to be sure you know your status. Don't take a chance with your health, get tested today with STDExperts.

How does getting tested for Syphilis

Syphilis $55

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Syphilis)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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Getting checked for syphilis is a very easy process. Our syphilis screening involves no uncomfortable swabbing or undressing. Simply place your order and bring a copy to one of our certified lab centers. No preparation is needed so you there is no need to fast or do anything beforehand. When testing for syphilis, you will only need to submit a blood sample. With your sample, we complete aRapid Plasma Reagin (RGR) test, which looks for the presence of antibodies in your blood, indicating an infection.If your initial RGR results are positive, a follow up screening called a TreponemalPallidum assay (TPA) will subsequently be run, which will confirm the results. Your results will be available to you in as little as three days. If your results are positive, you will have a consultation with a member of our clinical team to plan your next course of action and, if appropriate, treatment will be prescribed.

What are the treatment options for Syphilis ?

Syphilis $55

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Syphilis)

Complete Test Panel + $299 HIV Early Detection

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Treating syphilis is generally a very fast and easy process if the infection is caught in its earlier stages. While syphilis is a completely curable disease, as it progresses, the damage that is done by the infection cannot be reversed. This is why it is so important to catch it in the early stages. Once the infection has been identified, one of our physicians or a referred specialist in your area will prescribe you a dose of antibiotics. It is very important that you follow all the specific medical instructions and finish the dosage of antibiotics that is prescribed to you. Be sure that not only you are receiving the appropriate treatment but that any infected sexual partners are additionally being treated for the disease as well. While undergoing this treatment, be sure to abstain from any sexual activity for approximately 7-10 days to prevent transmitting the disease to a partner before you are cured and to avoid becoming re-infected with the bacteria. It is also highly recommended that you and your sexual partner undergo a subsequent syphilis screening following your course of treatment. This ensures that all parties involved are free of the bacteria and can prevent a re-infection from going undetected, potentially causing long term complications for you or your partner's sexual health.

Syphilis Summary

Syphilis $55

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Syphilis)

Complete Test Panel + $320 HIV Early Detection

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Syphilis isa relatively common sexually transmitted disease that can cause severe complications so it is very important to educate yourself on the facts about syphilis, how to prevent infection and how to identify possible symptoms. If you are facing a positive STD test result for syphilis, know that you are not alone. Over 55,000 people contract this disease every single year according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). While a positive result may seem scary and embarrassing, treatment for syphilis is quite easy when it is caught early. Our clinical staff can assist you in planning your next move and may be able to prescribe treatment directly or refer you to a physician in your area who will do so. As easy as syphilis is to treat, it is even easier to prevent. Abstaining from sexual activity is the number one way to prevent contracting an STD. If you choose not to abstain, however, using safe sex methods is very effective in preventing an infection. Condoms and dental dams are effective means of preventing an infection from being transmitted from partner to partner. Additionally, it is important to know the status of your sexual partners. Engaging in monogamous sexual relationships with uninfected partners is an effective preventative measure. Talk openly with your partner(s) about their sexual health and yours and consider undergoing regular STD testing together as a way to prevent the spread of infections.

Syphilis Cases In Men

Syphilis $55

Complete Test Panel$199 (Including Syphilis)

Complete Test Panel + $320 HIV Early Detection

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