What does a Genital herpes Rash Look like?
An unusual blister or pimple in your private parts may send the wrong signals. Most victims often relate a rare blister around their sexual organs to genital herpes, but that is not always the case. Internally growing hair can also be lead to unusual pimples.

So how do you tell the difference between a genital herpes rash and internally growing hairs bumps?

This post will draw a line between the two and advise you on what to do in each case.

Identifying an internally growing hairs

Shaving can leave internally growing hair on a victim’s private parts leading to what is called a razor bump. This sore can be irritating and sometimes painful, which could threaten to raise alarms.

This happens when growing hair fails to protrude above the skin and pushes from underneath. Ingrown hair could be due to blocking or growth in an odd direction.

Here’s how to tell if it is internally growing hairs:

  • Single blisters
  • Itchiness
  • Soreness around the blister
  • Swelling and tenderness
  • Pimple oozes pus when pressed

Hair removal techniques like shaving, waxing, or plucking of pubic hairs can trigger the development of internally growing hair, but sometimes it is just the case of hair growing towards an odd direction.

Bumps caused by blocked growing hairs could get infectious and develop into blisters with pus. As a result, the victim may experience some pain.

Internally growing hairs, unlike herpes manifest as single pimples and not in clusters. While hair removal by shaving could lead to more than one internally growing hair, the bumps occur separately and not in a group.

Bumps due to internally growing hairs fade away after some time, and the blister heals soon after the hair is taken out or it penetrates the skin.

Identifying a Genital herpes blister

Bumps in the genital area could be a genital herpes rash. There are two forms of herpes simplex viruses (1) Type 1 (HSV-1) and (2) Type 2 (HSV-2).

Type 2 is more prevalent among US adults.

Genital Herpes Symptoms:

  • A group of blisters
  • fever
  • Tiny blisters, around 2 mm
  • Sores disappear and reappear
  • Blister oozes yellow secretions
  • headache

Genital Herpes is transmitted through the various forms of sexual activities. Genital herpes Type 1 or Oral Herpes can also be spread through mouth-to-mouth contact.

The herpes virus remains dormant in some individuals for years without showing signs. But others may witness rashes from time to time with the first year of contracting Herpes.

Herpes is not curable, and you cannot treat the sores once they erupt— they come and go away. But your physician can prescribe some antiviral medicine to repress the outbreaks.

When to Seek Medical Assistance

Internally growing hair dissipates in a matter of days. Run water over the bump when bathing to wash away the dead cells of the skin that may be preventing the hair from penetrating the skin.

Do not squeeze the bump it could worsen the infection or leave a blood blister.

Similarly, genital herpes bumps also dissipate in a matter of days but may extend to weeks. However, these sores erupt from time to time. It is more rampant in some victims than others.

Visit a physician in a fortnight if blisters do not dissipate or you cannot tell the cause of the sores.

Final Words

It is not easy to tell the exact cause of these two bumps from a look even for physicians. But you can always check for Herpes by going for an STI test.

If it turns out Herpes is not the cause, there could be other possible causes like internally growing hairs, cysts, and blocked skin pores.

However, it is recommended to take STI test after every three months so you can take a test to ensure you are not infected.

When you notice blister or bumps in your genital area, resist the urge to squeeze them. This could lead to discomfort and a worse wound.

Two distinguishing factors to look at are the size of the bumps and whether they appear singly or in groups. Sores in a genital herpes rash are tiny and occur in groups while those caused by internally growing hairs are large and occur singly.