Itchy Testicles: Possible Causes and Remedies

The feeling of itchy testicles is quite common among men. Several factors are contributing to the itching of the testicles.

Both medical and physical conditions contribute to itchy testicles. Physical conditions like sweating and lack of a bath are easy to manage as they are easy to rise above.

A medical condition that leads to the itching of the scrotum can lead to severe effects if not assessed by a medical practitioner. Therefore, it's helps to take an STD test to find out the cause of your itchiness.

In this article, we will expound more on the causes of itching on testicles as well as their prevention measures.

My Balls Itch: What Causes an Itchy Groin?

Poor Hygiene Conditions

Sweating is typical for all persons. Working during hot days will lead to sweating around the genitals. Sweat irritates, especially around the scrotum.

It is therefore crucial to bath regularly at least once a day. By this, you keep your scrotum clean.

Avoid putting on damp underpants as they too irritate the scrotum. Ensure your underpants are dry before you dress them.

Irritation and chafing
Having long exercise periods will irritate the skin. When weather temperatures are high, the skin around your genital area becomes dry. Dry skin can be easily rubbed away to cause bleeding or even inflammation.

These are the common signs of chafing;

  • The skin becomes quite sensitive to touch
  • Rashes on the skin
  • The skin appears reddish
  • There are openings of cuts on the skin

Fungal Infections
Fungi live in colonies in the human body. They are microscopical, making them hard to see with naked eyes.

Fungal infections around the testicles are caused by engaging in unprotected sex and having poor hygiene conditions.

Candidiasis is among the most frequent types of fungal infections affecting the genital. The candida fungus which lives in the intestines and the body skin causes candidiasis. When candida fungus multiplies around the genitals, they create an infection leading to an itchy groin.

Another fungus called dermatophyte affects your genitals leading to a comparable infection known as the jock itch. It causes an itchy, red, often round-shaped rash on the skin of your genitals.

Other symptoms of fungal infections include;

  • Having a reddish effect of the skin around the scrotum or penis
  • Inflammation of the scrotum or penis
  • The unusual odor of the genitals
  • Pain while urinating
  • Having swollen scrotum or penis skin


Also called trich, this is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. The Trichomonas Vaginalis bacteria cause it.

Trichomoniasis is quite common in women, but it is easily transmitted when people engage in unprotected sex.

Trichomoniasis causes uneasiness on your genitals. You also experience irritation and itching effects on your penis and genitals. With trich, having sex becomes a disturbing act. And to prevent it, you need to go for STD test and get appropriate medication.

Other symptoms of trich include;

  • Sharp pain when urinating or ejaculating.
  • Discharging discolored fluids from the penis
  • Having irritating and itchy feeling inside your penis.



Scabies is a skin affliction caused by a tiny eight-legged mite called Sarcoptes scabiei. These mites are quite microscopic, making them hard to see with unaidedeyes.

When these mites get on your scrotum, they burrow into the top layer skin. Inside the surface, they mate and reproduce slowly.

These mites cause intense itching making one feel uncomfortable. If not noticed early, scabies may lead to inflammation of the scrotum.

Scabies is transmitted through direct skin contact, sharing clothes and beddings.

Pubic Lice

Often known as crabs, pubic lice live on parts of your body with coarse hair. They are very tiny and feed on your blood.

Though pubic lice feed on blood, they don’t spread diseases. Crabs cause itchy testicles and intense scratching on the genitals.

Crabs are transmitted easily during sexual intercourse. Crabs are transmitted by coming into contact with someone who has them too.

Having pubic lice doesn’t imply that you are dirty. Pubic lice have nothing to do with hygiene. Anybody can have pubic lice, irrespective of how clean they are.


Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disorder (STD) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It affects the reproductive tract and the mucous membranes of the eye and mouth nose.

Gonorrhea transmitted through sex. Men don't have to ejaculate to get infected with the disease.

This STD causes intense itching of the scrotum making them swell. Gonorrhea has the following symptoms;

  • Feeling pain  when urinating
  • Inflammation of the foreskin
  • Feeling pain in the scrotum
  • Discharging of white, green, or yellow fluid through the urethra.
  • Pain when passing stool, having an anal discharge, itching, and discomfort.
  • Eyes discharge a fluid similar to pus.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a common type of sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It spreads through sex or skin contact.

This virus causes pain, itchy testicles, and sores on the pubic area. Itching makes one feel uncomfortable and also makes having sex painful.

Herpes sores are excruciating. Genital herpes sores can break open and ooze pus, causing a lot of pain. Some of the symptoms of genital herpes include;

  • One feels exhausted and sick
  • Sharp pain while urinating
  • One feels a bur
  • An Itching effect on the testicles and penis.
  • There are blisters on the pubic area
  • Swelling of the lymph glands

Genital Warts

Genital warts appear in the form of a growth in the pubic area. It is one of the many conditions caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). 

Genital warts cause discomfort, pain, and intense itching of the genitals. These soft growths are hard to notice as they are tiny.

The virus spreads through sexual intercourse. Warts may lead to swelling of the genitals and bleeding during sex.


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted viral infection. It is easily communicated through unprotected genital sex, as well as oral and anal.

One of the distinguishing symptoms of chlamydia is that the genitals swell and become painful. It also causes severe itching of the genitals making it very uncomfortable.

Other symptoms include;

  • Painful discharge from the anus
  • Unpleasant burning effect while urinating
  • Discolored discharge from the penis

How Do You Generally Avoid Itchy Testicles?

  • Test for STI with your partner to establish your status. By this, you prevent further infection and give a chance for treatment in case one is affected.
  • Maintain proper hygiene. Bath at least once per day, or after sweating a lot. Bathing prevents one from contracting many fungal infections.
  • Always engage in protected sex. Wear condoms or oral dams to avoid the spread of STI's. Test for STIs regularly to prevent spreading without knowing.

Final Words

Itchy testicles are often caused by fungal infections and poor hygiene. Keep yourself clean and avoid unprotected sex.