What is more accurate between STDs detected by Blood Tests Vs. Urine Tests 

If you ever thought that you’d know your STD status through signs and symptoms in your body, you were simply wrong.

Some STDs do not show any signs and symptoms in your body. Even if the signs and symptoms were to be shown in your body, you'd have to wait for the window period to last.

But that is not all.

Some people also believe that they have an STD infection by just observing signs and symptoms in their bodies. It is not true that signs and symptoms can confirm the existence of an STD infection in the body. Some signs and symptoms might be caused by other infections apart for STDs or STIs.

How to Know the existence of STD in the Body 

The truth is that the surest way to ascertain the existence of STD in the body is by undertaking an STD test.

There are various STD testing techniques that are used for STD testing in the body. Also, STD testing samples are varied, depending on the STD being tested.

The best way to get tested is to seek the services of a qualified doctor or a physician and provide the STD testing sample that he or she requires for the test.

The STD testing sample could be blood, urine or swab. You have the duty to ensure that you provide sufficient sample that would give accurate results while undertaking the STD tests.

 Between Blood and Urine Tests, which one is the Best 

You might be wondering which of the three samples would give the most accurate result in STD testing. Let’s then have a look at the blood test versus urine tests for STD tests and a blood test versus urine test for STD testing.

There are people who fear to undertake STD tests because they fear the doctors or physicians would want them to give embarrassing or uncomfortable swabs for testing purposes. The good information is that modern technology has made it easier for most of the STD testing can be done through blood samples and urine samples.

The best STD testing samples depends on the specific STD test that is being carried out by your physician or doctor. You shouldn’t be worried about the sample that would give the best results. Your doctor or physician is qualified and would request you for the sample that would give the best result.

The urine tests, for example, are primarily done to test for Chlamydia and gonorrhea. So whenever your doctor wants to test for the two infections, he or she would want you to give urine as a sample for STD testing. You shouldn’t be worried about the reliability of the urine sample for the test. Be sure your doctor would have made the right decision depending on the infection that he or she intends to test.

Whenever you are not sure, you've got the right to seek information from the doctor or the physician on what tests they want to have using the urine sample. If anything, don’t you have the right to the information? Be sure you have the full right to access that information.

STD testing using a blood sample is also essential in specific testing. Some of the tests that use blood as the sample for testing include Herpes, HIV, and syphilis.

There are viruses that can only survive in the bloodstream. One of such viruses is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). The surest way to have the best result from the STD testing is by using a blood sample to do the tests.

HIV tests require both a positive initial test and a positive confirmatory test to ascertain the results. While in recent times studies have shown that oral tests using the saliva can be used as samples, blood remains the best sample for testing STD.

Like for the urine sample test, be sure that your doctor and physicians know the right test to conduct using the blood sample.

Another sample that always makes people shiver is the swab sample STD testing. The swabs are sometimes unpleasant and cause discomfort. When you are uncomfortable with the doctor undertaking the swab test for you, you can request for a self swab test. Depending on the STD infection that is suspected, your physician will have the right choice of using a swab sample.

You don’t need to worry about the samples so much, trust your qualified doctor or physician and seek for information whenever you are not sure!