What is the Link between STD and Dermatologists?

What the study has to say

STDs usually have their own disgraces, especially because they can affect the other parts of the body and not just your genital organs. Some of the possible signs that you have an STD will show off on your skin. Based on the study, conducted by the CDC reports, and showed that it is the US that has the highest STD rates in the world with more than 20M cases yearly. As the primary of these infections appear on the skin, the dermatologists are now becoming involved in the treatment along with the gynecologists, infectious disease specialists and urologists.

This has been elaborated by Sonoa Au, a doctor in advanced dermatology. Some of the most common STDs handled by dermatologists are Herpes simplex virus or the HSV. It comes with painful sores in the genital area or around the mouth. The problem with herpes is that the virus lingers in the body for a lifetime and it may be infectious even if the skin seems normal and people are taking medications to prevent having an outbreak, added AU. Genital warts on the other hand are quite small, trigged by bumps on the skin and skin discoloration. It is brought about by the HPV that typically appear weeks or even months after being infected.

The effects of STD on the skin

Based on the study conducted by Au, Genital warts do not have itchy and painful effects on the skin, but they are not pleasing to the eyes. More so, there may be strains of HPV that may bring cervical cancer. Syphilis on the other hand shows off 3-6 weeks after the syphilis. It may also show up a big and open sore on your lips or around the mouth. Some sores might also show off on the tongue or inside the mouth. If it is untreated, syphilis may bring reddish rashes all over the body. Chlamydia on the other hand is also among the common STDs that includes painful urination, inflammation of the genitals and vaginal discharge.

Chlamydia and your first line of defense

On the other hand, Chlamydia may also affect some of the visible parts of the body like the eye. It may cause a pink eye and possible blindness if it will be untreated for such a long time. This type of infection may happen when you touch the eye after touching the genitals or genital fluids of someone who is infected. Taking a leap to solve the problem, dermatologists are now skilled in handling the diagnosing process and so do with the treatment of STDs. The 2 primary treatment processes include taking antibiotics drugs or antiviral drugs. Oftentimes, a particular dose of antibiotics will be more than enough to eliminate the parasites or the bacteria that contributes to syphilis and chlamydia. More so, even if the antiviral pills cannot treat STIs such as herpes or HIV, these prescription pills can just consider the result of the disease. It is still best to seek for an early treatment, because that will be the key to save your life. Au also said that in a new study, the dermatologists are truly well knowledgeable in handling the STD patients. They are specially focused on the effects of the condition on the skin, so your first line of defense must be the dermatologists when you seek for treatments.