STD that affecting without noticing

Chlamydia is the most common type of STD that affects the largest population in the country. 2016 health data shows that more than 1.5 million Americans were impacted by the disease. Apart from just the cases being so high, people still make the mistake of assuming that Chlamydia is primarily spread via sexual activities, says Julie Dombrowski, MD. The reality of the matter is that gender, sexual behavior, age and sexual orientation also affect the infection risk of an individual.

1.5 Million Chlamydia Cases

Dombrowski explains that Chlamydia in men who have sex with men mostly affects the throat or rectum. The director of public health in Seattle adds that they are not fully aware of the importance of Chlamydia in the throat. “We really do not know its significance because most of the time we notice it is normally because we are testing for throat gonorrhea, which frequently happens.”

Symptoms such as irritation, pain and penile discharge often occur in men. These are the warning signs that men look at prior to making the decision to go to the STD test clinic or their doctor.

Annual Screening Encouraged

Chlamydia in women is a bit different. Being asymptomatic, the women unwittingly pass it to their partners. Chlamydia that is left for long without treatment may lead to various complications such as infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease. That makes STI screening an essential part of your overall sex health.

Professionals do not have exact recommendation for the frequency at which you should screen, but doing it often is healthier. For men, it is easier to know when one has Chlamydia because are visible.

Various studies done in Seattle reveal that most men typically have 10 or more sexual partners per year, and these screens positive for STD every three months.

Once one tests positive for STD, Dombrowski advises that you should not stress yourself over the matter. Understand that there are treatment options such as Azithromycin, 1 gram once by mouth. There is also doxycycline whereby you receive a pill two times a day for 7 days. There are some areas that make it possible for you to get a dose of prescription medication for your partner even if that partner hasn’t gone to see the doctor.