What is the Relation of MG to New STD Cases?

Based on the newest study, there is an STD that has been becoming very common nowadays. They study has discovered that the bacterium called Mycoplasma genitalium, which was said to be sexually transmitted has been infecting a lot of people by more than 1% in the UK. They are in between the ages of 16-44 years old. This is around 250,000 based on the census data released in UK. The studies in the US have discovered that there is a comparable rate of people who are also infected with MG.  That makes MG the most typical STD type than gonorrhea, based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Is this related to the new age STD?

There is some news that has been describing MG as the new STI; however, the bacteria have been detected in 1980. During this time, the researchers do not have an idea about the right kinds of tests that can help them learn the connection of MG with sexually transmitted diseases, until around 1990s. according to a professor of a university in Washington in Seattle who wasn’t involved in the study, but has conducted a research about MG, the early studies has discovered that people who were found positive for the MG usually had sexual partners who were also infected with the same disease.

The newest study links to the proof that MG is an STD infection. this is because they have found out that the infection has been typical to people who had 4 new sexual partners in the past year than in people who had 1 or few sexual partners in the past year. More so, people were likely to have MG if they go through sex unprotected and there are no new infections found among those who never had sex before based on the study. This was published in November of 2015 in a journal linked with the International Epidemiology.

The signs it cause

The bacteria may bring inflammation of the urethra of better known as urethritis in men. It will lead to signs like burning pain while peeing or discharge coming from the penis. Regardless if it is the MG that brings the disease in women, the bacteria have been linked with the inflammation of the cervix and inflammation of the pelvis, which is an STD infection of the female reproductive organs that leads to the pain in the lower abdomen and pain or bleeding while having an intercourse, based on the CDC study. In cases linked to pelvic inflammation, it may bring infertility in women.

Most of the research ongoing nowadays is being linked to implications of GM in women. This is based on the study made by Manhart and his associates. They have discovered that the odds of the inflammation of the cervix, preterm birth and inflammation of the pelvic are 2x the risk in women with Mg compared to those who are not infected.