What are the home remedies for herpes?

Contracting an STI is embarrassing, and disclosing this information to your partner or doctor can be daunting. But, the only way to know what STD you are having is to see your doctor and get STD testing, which is relieving because you can know the next course of action.

But it cannot be a relief to some people if they find out they have herpes because it has no cure. However, you should take it easy because you can treat this infection with readily available antiviral medications. You might wonder if there are natural and home remedies for treating herpes besides medical treatments.

Yes, there are several home remedies, like applying baking soda on genital herpes, that can help you with herpes treatment. However, you should not use these home remedies as a substitute for medications because they cannot stop the virus from multiplying. They only supplement the medicines as they help alleviate the symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Besides the home remedies for herpes, I’ll discuss the types of herpes, its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment in this article.

What is herpes?

Herpes is a common viral sexually transmitted infection that mainly occurs in those who are sexually active. Herpes is a viral infection due to the herpes simplex virus, and once you contract it, you’ll live with it for life because it has no cure. Herpes is transmissible via vaginal fluids, semen, and saliva, and you can pass it to another person through skin-to-skin contact and vaginal, oral, or anal sex.

Once infected, herpes can lie dormant for a long time without manifesting symptoms, and after the first outbreak, you may have recurring episodes. Factors like prolonged stress can increase your chances of having frequent outbreaks.

Types of herpes

There are two types of herpes, namely, genital herpes and oral herpes. As much as you can use baking soda on genital herpes, you can also use it to manage oral herpes and alleviate the pain resulting from the symptoms. Let’s look at these two types of herpes in detail.

Oral herpes

Oral herpes or cold sores is a type of herpes mainly caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), and it affects the mouth and lips hence the term oral herpes. Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) can also cause oral herpes on rare occasions.

Cold sores form fluid-filled blisters on your lips a few days after infection. These blisters usually burst, form a scab, and heal after a few days without scarring. One can spread cold sores to the other through close contacts, like kissing or oral sex. Cold sores are very contagious and can pass even without the sores.

Genital herpes

Genital herpes is a common sexually transmitted disease that majorly occurs in the genitals but can also develop in the mouth. The leading cause of genital herpes is herpes simplex virus type 2, but herpes simplex virus type 1 can also cause it through oral sex. Its primary transmission is through sexual contact.

Like oral herpes, genital herpes also lies dormant in the body once you contract it and can reoccur several times a year. Genital herpes rarely shows symptoms, but when it does, you may experience fluid-filled blisters in your genitals that may burst and ooze fluids.

This infection has no cure, but medications and home remedies like baking soda on genital herpes can help ease the symptoms.

Symptoms of herpes

Like most other STDs, herpes rarely shows symptoms, and if it does, the symptoms can be so mild that you or your partner might not be able to notice them. Most people also confuse herpes symptoms with those of other conditions that can present similar symptoms, like ingrown hairs and pimples.

Often, the herpes symptoms come when there is an outbreak and goes when it is over, but even if there is no outbreak and you don’t have symptoms, you can still spread this infection to other people. Therefore, it is essential to know these symptoms and get rid of them faster by using baking soda on genital herpes.

Below are some of the symptoms of herpes:

  • Small and painful fluid-filled blisters on your genitals, mouth, and lips.
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Chills
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Body aches
  • Eye infection
  • Fatigue


When diagnosing you, your doctor will physically examine your herpes sores and confirm with laboratory tests if necessary.


Herpes is a viral and incurable infection, but you can treat and manage its symptoms and reduce its outbreaks. There are two ways you can treat herpes, through medication and home remedies like using baking soda on genital herpes. Let’s look at them in detail.


Herpes is a viral infection, and the most appropriate medication for its treatment is antiviral. These drugs can help to reduce the symptoms and speed up the healing process. You should take these medications when you notice the first signs of an outbreak which usually start with tingling and itching.

Home remedies

There are several home remedies for this condition, including using baking soda on genital herpes. These natural and home remedies do not prevent the multiplication of the virus and, therefore, cannot hinder the outbreak of this infection. They only ease and speed up the healing process of the symptoms, and you should, therefore, not use them as a substitute for the prescribed medications.

Below are some true-and-tried natural and home remedies you can use to manage the symptoms of herpes.

Cold and warm treatments

Applying warm and cold temperatures to your body can relieve your painful blisters. You can do this by having long warm long showers or having a warm bath. The warmth can stimulate your blood circulation and reduce inflammation and promote healing. You can also use a warm compressor on your blisters to minimize swelling and pain.

Cold compressors can also help reduce swelling and pain by numbing the nerve endings though it is only for a short period. You can buy an ice park or make one using ice cubes and a soft tea towel.

Baking soda paste

Baking soda helps strengthen the anti-inflammatory response of the body. Applying baking soda on genital herpes will help reduce the swelling and speed up the drying of the sores. Dip a wet cotton ball in the baking soda paste and apply it to the affected area.

Topical garlic

Research shows that garlic has antiviral properties that can help against herpes. To use garlic for herpes, crush fresh garlic, mix it with olive oil and then apply the mixture on the sores three times daily.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

Apple cider vinegar is common because of its anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties, which can help manage herpes. Mix it with water in a ratio of 1:3, then apply the solution to the affected area.

Change your diet

Whether you are healthy or not, having the right diet is essential. Though to those with infections like herpes, having a good diet means you’ll eat the right foods to help boost your immune and help your body fight the infection. Though anecdotal, there is evidence suggesting that diet can help prevent herpes outbreaks.

Consider the following diet if you have a herpes infection.

Omega-3 fatty acids

Having omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can help with the immune system, which can, in turn, help you manage inflammatory conditions like herpes. Some foods rich in fatty acids include chia seeds, salmon, flaxseed, and mackerel.

Antioxidant-rich vegetables

Including veggies rich in antioxidants in your diet can boost your immune system and reduce inflammation. Veggies like kale, spinach, tomatoes, and cauliflower contain free-radical binding antioxidants and more lysine that helps suppress herpes.


Including zinc in your diet can help reduce the number of herpes outbreaks, thus increasing the time between the episodes. Foods rich in zinc are pork, lamb, germ, and chickpeas.

Avoid acidic foods

Limit your intake of acidic foods as they may worsen your sores. Foods to avoid are processed foods that contain more acid, beer, fruit juice, sodas, etc.


Including protein in your diet not only help with herpes but also the overall well-being of your body. Protein helps the body’s immune system and will help your body respond to herpes and other pathogens that may invade your body. Your diet should be high in protein and low in saturated fats.


Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. The only sure way to prevent contracting or spreading it is through abstinence or committing to one sexual partner who doesn’t have an infection. But if you can’t do the two, you should;

  • Consistently use protection when having sexual intercourse
  • Not involved in sexual activity if you or your partner have a herpes outbreak


Herpes is a common infection among sexually active groups though it can also occur in older people. It is a viral infection with no cure, but there are medications and home remedies that you can use to manage it and suppress the virus.