Telling An American To Use A Condom Is A Turnoff

Guys in America won’t accept that condoms play a major role in ensuring safety when having sex. It’s the most enjoyable act that you can give a man, but to avoid worrying about STD Testing one should always protect them in the act. A national survey has revealed that young adults in the ages from 18 – 24 don’t use condoms a lot. They prefer to go it unprotected saying that it’s more fun.

Unplanned Pregnancies And STDs Are The Main Worries

It gets worse as the age progresses where they completely disregard the use of protection. An STD Test can’t do much to tame the young generation. A survey by Superdrug Online Doctor took a sample of 2,000 Europeans and Americans to check how real the trend is. That survey by the online pharmacy in United Kingdom showed that over 60% of the Americans have sex without protection. Half of them don’t even intend to use it whenever they have sex.

STD Cases Keep On Rising

Failure to use condoms has resulted to the raise in STDs infections. The Problem is that people don’t even bother to take Private STD Testing because they don’t want to imagine they have it. CDC always tries to make the young generation understand that the use of protection will keep them safe from syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia. A staunch condom user doesn’t even have to think about Same Day STD Testing since they are sure they aren’t infected.

There Is More To Worry On The Use Of Condoms

You can go for the treatment of STDs such as gonorrhea and syphilis and do away with them, hoping to be careful come next time. However, when you take an STD Test and discover that you have HIV, your life will certainly take a different turn. We know that its manageable and infected people live normally, but it certainly changes one’s life.

The other permanent problem is when your lady partner calls you to alert of a test among the STD Tests she did that were negative, but the pregnancy one came out positive. You ought to take a life responsibility for your short-time fun because the baby has to be taken care of.

Why Avoid Condoms With The Help They Offer?
Some guys just take the importance of a condom as to control birth. They don’t realize the protection it offers from the bad STDs. You don’t have to think of the embarrassment people experience when going for STD Testing.

Porn influences many people, and more so the young adults who are in the age of experimenting. They will want to keep the condom away so that they can practice the actions they see in those movies.

For the casual sex practices, you may have with various partners, always ensure to use a condom, it will save you a lot. You should only feel free when you settle on one partner who should also be trustworthy.