The Causes Of The Abrupt Increase In The Infections

The year 2015 recorded an increase in STD infections, which were so high to make researchers wonder whether it was all about unprotected sex. The use of the three preventive measure that are the use of condoms, routine STD Testing and being faithful to a single sex partner can lower the infection rates, but given that people were aware just as before the rise in the infections in Gallatin County couldn’t be clearly explained.

Was It Lack Of Preventive Measure?

Going by the words of Bozeman’s HIV advocate, Greg Smith, most of the residents are not well educated about the sexually transmitted diseases. They don’t even think that taking an STD Test is important, because they believe that there is no HIV in Montana. It’s a misleading perception that makes people become reckless with their sexual activities

HIV/AIDS Making A Comeback

After a long absence of more than a decade without new AIDs cases, a case of AIDs has been recorded in the county after positive STD Tests. The tests have also revealed 2 cases of HIV infections, which is the highest number since 2011. If one is sexually active, he or she can get infected with HIV. However, the infections are more revealed after the Private STD Testing of gay partners.

Stigmatization Is The Main Problem

Gay people are at a risk of contracting the STDs because they aren’t free to go for Same Day STD Testing without having fingers pointed at them. They usually feel shameful when revealing their partners when they are asked to offer their details so that they can also be called for checkup. Gallatin County isn’t a safe place for gay people who always fear to come out because of the victimization.

If they aren’t comfortable to speak freely about their sexuality, they also won’t be free to do Private STD Testing. Smith also notes that they will fear to engage a physician with questions about sexually transmitted diseases.

Infections Base on Type of Disease

The report showed that chlamydia recorded 372 cases down from the 28 cases that were in 2014. Gonorrhea, on the other hand, had doubled to reach 25 cases and syphilis cases had the highest record of 3 cases in comparison to the records of 2008.

The infected people are more scared by the diseases that they don’t feel like they can control. They should however relax because with STD Tests available, the sexually transmitted diseases can be managed and controlled. The recorded numbers are nowhere near an epidemic, because to be considered one they ought to have a steady increase over a number of years.

The rise in the cases may be attributed to the growth in population or more STD Tests. Some of the diseases can be managed, controlled and eliminated. HIV/AIDS can also be managed to give the infected person a normal and comfortable life.