The improved sexual activity rate among boys and girls

In news last year, less than ½ of the American teens aged 15 years old to 19 years old are actually engaged in a sexual activity, but this is quite lower than it was a century back according to a report. Only 44% of the girls and 47% of the boys ages 15-19 years old had sexual activity at least once from 2011-2013 according to a research. This is down from the 51% of the girls and 60% of the boys in 1988 according to a study.  The drop in the teen sexuality rates engagement is most likely because of the epidemic related to AIDS along with the shift in culture that end up making the kids aware of the STDs and how harmful they are according to Dr. Rabin.

People change through the years

They thought that those who belong to the 1980s babies are quite different than the kids now, she added. They didn’t comprehend what is rapid HIV test during those times and they didn’t understand the results of engaging in an unprotected sex. The people still have in mind what was said to be from the 1960s and from the 1970s about free love and sexual activities. The research made by the researchers showed some proof that the teens have improved and have become more responsible in terms of sex. Some points are as follows:

  1. Around 4 of the 5 teens now are using different forms of contraceptive during the first time they had sex.
  2. The teens now are more likely to use contraceptives when they have sex for the first time and if they have to wait until the right time comes, they will be more than willing to wait. This just makes sense, she added. Because when people get older, they get mature, they are more knowledgeable and they are more responsible at the same time.
  3. The teens are less likely to become mothers while they are young if they use contraceptives during their first sexual intercourse. This is usually because they are on a path where they are more likely to use it again.

There is survey about 2,000 boys as well as girls within the age of 15-19 years old. There were national sample taken from them and so with the other 1,700 men and women ages 20-24 years old to arrest those teens who had sex during their adulthood. The possibility to have a sexual intercourse increase with the age, however, there were only 18% of the boys and 13% of the girls who have had sex by age 15, however, that may increase to more than 44% of the boys and the girls by the age of 17. When they reach the age of 19, 2/3 of the boys and the girls have had sex according to the research.