Black Americans with HIV are not Getting Continuous Care

AIDS and the ongoing treatment

While the HIV analyses plunged accordingly completed the previous decades in the US, the black with HIV are not probable than whites or Hispanics to get a routine and ongoing care. This is in accordance with the US CDC. From 2005-2014, the yearly HIV diagnoses went down by 19% in the US. The infections in black women went down by around 42% during those times. Aside from the development in the battle over the HIV, racial disparities went on and the CDC has discovered it. While the black Americans make up the 12% of the US populace, they accounted for around ½ of all the HIV analyses in 2014.

The CDC has remained moving for a lot of years to eradicate the HIV symptoms that happen to belong in the black public. This is in accordance with the statement conducted by the leader of the CDC’s Disunion of HIV and AIDS prevention according to the news that was released. While they were seeing some signals of success, they should go on in focusing on how to prevent the techniques that will provide better result among African American groups and the country as a whole. A key focus ensured that the people existing with HIV are detected early on right away. It was associated to care as well as handle the care that will dramatically improve their lives and secures their health too and so does with their partners.

How the CDC handle new cases of AIDS?

More so, to be of help with the infection to progress their health condition, the ongoing care may help in preventing new HIV symptoms. The CDC barbed out that the HIV will be transmitted through an infection who cannot be preserved and persons who weren’t aware that they have the virus.  It was Dr. Jonathan Mermin, the director of the CDCs National Center for the HIV and AIDS and other diseases. It allows them to live with HIV in a much longer manner.  They were given the advice on how to have a healthier life and how to prevent new infections from spreading.

Black women with HIV progressed better than black men according to the CDC. While the 44% of the black women took benefit from the routine care and it was just about 35% of the black men who also did the same. Most of the black HIV patients who got the continuing attention were also infected during their heterosexual contact. The health officers in the US are now making an effort in responding to the HIV spreading ongoing nowadays. They are now making an effort in lowering down the rate and in making sure that there will be no spreading that will take place once again.