Unusual STD Transmission Facts

The cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are increasing all over the US. Most people think that 'S' in STD means that the diseases are only spread through sexual contact. The fact is that STDs can also spread without a sexual intercourse.

Here are seven little-known facts about STD transmission and how you could contract an STD without actually engaging in sex.

1. Eating Contaminated Food

Hepatitis A and B are sexually transmitted diseases. However, they can also spread by eating contaminated food items. You can get the STD when the food has been prepared by a person who has not washed hands properly in the washroom. The infection can also spread when an infected mother gives pre-chewed food to the baby.

2. Sharing Moist Objects

Another unusual STD Transmission Facts is that you can get an STD is through sharing damp or moist objects. You can become infected if you share a towel or clothing that touches in the genital area. To avoid getting infected with an STD, it's important that you don't share moist objects in public places such as spas or bathroom.

3. Swapping Spit

A number of STDs can be passed by swapping spit when kissing. The herpes virus that causes cold sores can easily be spread in this manner. Mononucleosis is another STD that can be spread by swapping spit. So, it's essential that you avoid engaging in this unusual activity with another person.

4. Sharp Objects

Sharing sharp objects that pierces or cuts the skin can also result in transmission of STDs. Razors, needles, syringe, cuticle nippers, and other sharp objects can transmit sexual diseases including herpes, HIV, hepatitis A, B, and C. One woman had developed herpes when the manicurist used unclean cuticle nippers. There are also cases of people contracting herpes through an unclean razor in the barbershop.

5. Tanning Beds

A little known fact about STD transmission is that they can also spread through shared contaminated surfaces such as the tanning bed. Improperly cleaned tanning beds are a hotbed for STDs. The risk of contracting sexual disease depends on a number of factors such as the condition of the skin and the type of infection.

6. Bare-Down-Grooming

Bare-down-grooming can also increase the risk of developing an STD. Catching the disease is easier when the skin breaks during grooming and an infected object is used to groom the area.

7. Transfusion of Blood

STDs can be transmitted through blood transfusion. You can catch the disease if the blood is contaminated. That's why it's extremely important that the blood is screened properly or STD testing done before transfusion. Having said that, you should note that you can't contract an STD from donating blood to Red Cross or other reliable companies as they use sterile needles that are safely disposed.

These are some of the most unusual facts about STD transmission. You should be vigilant when it comes to anything that can transmit STDs. Be extra careful when selecting a salon or hospital for blood transfusion. Also, regular STD testing is important for early detection and treatment of the disease.