Unprotected Sex No Matter How You Do It Is Dangerous

When you think of how we enjoy swimming, you can only imagine how pleasurable it can be to have sex in that pool. You don’t have to worry about lubrication given that water is all around you. That doesn’t make you safe from catching an STD and you should go for STD Testing if you have practiced this before with a partner whom you don’t have good information about their status.

You see these styles in the movies and they appear great and enjoyable. You should be very cautious because strangers meet in the pool, and you can easily be another statistic of the STDs victims.

Viruses In The Pool Are Harmless

Some may hear that it safe to be in the pool and not catch a virus that is already in the water. You hence don’t have to take an STD Test after every swimming session. You need to tell a partner who wants to enjoy the pleasure with you in the pool that they need STD Test results before you give in. it will be more enjoyable when you have a clear mind of the enjoying the act with someone you are sure that they are free from infection.

It Can Even Be More Risky

You might be thinking lubrication, but on the other hand you should consider that the water will be cleaning away vaginal lubrication, something that you both need for a comfortable intercourse. The result of that is that the lady will experience tears on the walls. That won’t not only be uncomfortable but putting her at risk of becoming infected.

The woman is therefore at greater risk of being infected by the viruses in the pool water. When they go for Private STD Testing, therefore, they should also be screened for yeast infection, infections of the urinary tract and the STDs their partners may be carrying.

How Chlorine Affects Women

Women need to balance their natural pH Levels in their vaginas. Being in the pool or a bathtub that has chlorine affects the alkalinity of the vagina, making it more prone to STDs infection. You might be using a condom in the water thinking that you have protected yourselves from both the STDs and pregnancy.

What you may not realize is that the condom can rapture due to lack of lubrication, putting both of you at risk. Regular Same Day STD Testing keeps you aware of your status and so you won’t spread the infection if any, and you won’t risk making love to sexual partners that have no clear reproductive health status. Most STDs do not show their symptoms early and hence protected sex is the only way to enjoy sex at any time.