Body Odor and STDs signs

While body odor is normal part of puberty and being a human, different types of body odor can be indicative of health problems. Did you know that body odor can even be linked to the existence of some sexually transmitted diseases? Read more below about what types of body odor you should be looking out for in order to ensure your own reproductive health.

Bacterial Vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is an overgrowth of the bad bacteria that inhabits the vagina. While it is not considered a sexually transmitted disease, Bacterial Vaginosis can be caused having multiple sexual partners or poor hygiene rituals. Sexual intercourse can also introduce bacteria to the vaginal canal that causes vaginosis.

When Bacterial Vaginosis is present, the female may notice a foul “fishy” odor emitting from her vagina. In a healthy vagina, there should not be any foul odor and this type of smell is normally one of the STDs signs


Gonorrhea as one of the common STDs, does not typically cause any type of discharge from the penis or vagina that has a particular smell. Because of this, it is one of the STDs that can easily be overlooked. However, recent studies have shown that those carrying Gonorrhea will have a body sweat smell that is described as “putrid”. If you notice a change in the smell of your perspiration, you should consider seeing a medical professional and having an STD test administered.


Chlamydia is a bacterial infection similar to Bacterial Vaginosis. The main difference is that Chlamydia is proven to be sexually transmitted and can be carried by both males and females. As the bacteria grows in the anus or vagina, a fishy odor may become noticeable.

Having abnormal body odor is one of the STDs signs, however there are also many other causes of odor. Whether it is a change in the smell of your sweat or your vaginal secretions, if you notice that your body odor is becoming stronger than normal, it is wise to have a medical professional perform a check up to ensure your health.