Today more than 36 million people around the world are infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The virus attacks and destroys the white blood cells that fight infections, and the final stage of HIV is AIDS - which can lead to serious health complications and even death.

Not everyone infected with HIV develops AIDS. If you have HIV, you can take a number of steps to protect your health. Here are three important tips to take care of yourself if you are living with HIV.

1. Exercise to Keep Healthy

When you’re living with HIV, exercise is important to keeping you healthy. Regular exercise is recommended for people with HIV, as it can help maintain muscle mass and strength that weakens when infected with the the virus. It can also reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. What's more, exercise can reduce the feelings of depression and stress.

2. Start Medical Treatment Soon

You should start medical treatment as soon as your HIV screening turns up positive. After finding out the results of your HIV testing, you should immediately start working with your doctor to take antiretroviral therapy (ART). While ART cannot completely cure the disease, it can slow the progress of HIV, and keep you healthy for a long time without suffering dangerous health consequences.

With the variety of HIV medications available today, you should be able to find one that works for you — and won’t cause you to suffer any serious side-effects. If you are experiencing a side-effect with one medication, you may want to switch to another to make living with HIV easier.

The life expectancy of a person who is on ART is no different than the general population as long as you start treatment early. Regular HIV testing and screening can allow early diagnosis, thereby minimizing the damage to your body.

3. Eat Healthy

A healthy diet is essential for HIV infected persons, as a diet that contains too much salt or sugar can have negative effects on your health. Your aim should be to eat well-balanced meals every day, choosing home cooked meals over restaurants and fast food.

Consider talking to a healthcare professional about a diet plan that works for you. Some general guidelines include:

  • Lots of fruits and vegetables for fiber and essential nutrients
  • A moderate amount of starchy carbs for energy (brown rice, potatoes, wholemeal pasta)
  • Some protein including eggs, beans, lean meat, and fish
  • Small amounts of dairy products
  • Low levels of fats and sugars 

Keeping a Positive Attitude About Living with HIV

A lot of people feel devastated when they find out that they will be living with HIV. It is a life-changing event that can make a person feel sad, hopeless, and even angry. Early diagnosis of the disease through HIV testing is essential to keep your life as normal as possible.

It's also important that you talk with a support group about your health condition. Learn how others cope with the disease and use their advice to come to terms with your diagnosis.

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