Have you ever passed out after sex? What was the feeling after regaining consciousness? Sexual intercourse can be strenuous, especially for those engaging in rough sex, and can leave your head spinning.

Dizziness after sex is not a cause for alarm as it does not always indicate a serious underlying condition. The most serious thing you should concern about during sexual intercourse is how to avoid and prevent contracting sexually transmitted infections.

Sometimes, dizziness after sex can be due to an underlying condition, especially if the dizziness is sudden and accompanied by other symptoms.

This article will look at some causes of passing out and dizziness after sex and how to treat and prevent them.


Anxiety can increase your heart rate and cause a shallow breath regardless of the type, whether ongoing or situational. A high heart rate and shallow breath can cause dizziness or hyperventilation. This explains why you may have passed out after sex.

Not only can those having anxiety disorder feel anxious before or during sex. Anxiety is common when it comes to sex, and it is primarily due to the following:

  • Engaging in sex for the first time
  • Being in a new relationship
  • Having misunderstandings with your partner
  • If you've experienced trauma or pain previously
  • Not sure about the STD status of your partner

The other symptoms to look for if you are about to feel dizziness during or after sex because of anxiety include:

  • Tense muscles
  • Sweating
  • Nervousness
  • The desire to get rid of what's triggering your anxiety

If you feel that your dizziness symptoms are due to anxiety, you should open up to your partner or someone you trust and let them know what you are going through.

Also, you can talk to a health professional who can identify the root of your anxiety and help you with the next course of action.


Dehydration not only causes dry mouth or sore throat, but it can also sometimes cause a decrease in blood pressure. Besides weakness and fatigue, dizziness is another dehydration symptom which explains why you can experience a spinning head after sex.

Sex is a vigorous activity that can make you dehydrated. This is why it is important to have a jug of water by your bedside so you can drink water before and during sexual activity to remain hydrated.


Vertigo is a sudden feeling of head spinning, primarily caused by benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. It can also be due to conditions affecting the inner ear- an organ that regulates movement and senses balance. Vertigo is recurring, with an episode that lasts about 30 seconds. Certain activities, like changing the head position when lying or sitting in a bed, can trigger vertigo.

This is why it is common during or after sex when you change sex positions. If you experience vertigo after sex, you are likely to experience it other times.

Other symptoms of dizziness due to vertigo include:

  • Vomiting 
  • Nausea
  • Loss of balance


Pass out sex can also be due to hunger. Hunger reduces the blood sugar level, and the common symptoms of low blood glucose levels are:

  • Fainting
  • Dizziness
  • Shakiness
  • Lightheadedness

Sex can temporarily distract you from hunger, causing dizziness. But, if you have frequent dizziness or hunger, you, maybe suffering from diabetes, and you need to see your doctor for a diagnosis.

Changing position

A quick stand-up after lying down can trigger postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS)- a condition causing a faster heartbeat due to a quick change in position. With an increased heartbeat, you can feel dizzy and even faint.

Other symptoms of this syndrome include:

You may notice these symptoms when you change your sex position. It is important to note that though POTS is not dangerous, you should see your doctor to ensure you don't have an underlying heart problem.


It is normal for sexual arousal to quicken breathing in most people as they breathe more rapidly and deeply than usual. Quick and short breathing can make one exhale more than they inhale, disrupting the oxygen and carbon dioxide balance and causing hyperventilation. This condition is not common during sex, but it is possible.

Symptoms of hyperventilation may include:

  • Anxiety
  • Fainting
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hands or feet tingling or numbness

To ease the symptoms of hyperventilation, try breathing slowly and deeply. But, if you are experiencing panic attacks or anxiety, you may be unable to control your breathing and breathe deeply. In these scenarios, you may want to see your doctor to guide you on managing this condition.

Low blood pressure

Pass out sex or dizziness after sex can also be due to low blood pressure. Blood pressure usually fluctuates depending on factors like body position, stress levels, time of the day, and breathing. Dizziness after sex is one of the symptoms of low blood pressure levels.

When having sex, you may have an intense rush of emotions stimulating your vagus nerves- a nerve transmitting information between the brain and the rest of the body. If this never is overstimulated, it will temporarily enlarge, lowering blood pressure and leading to vasovagal syncope (VS).

Besides dizziness, other symptoms of VS include:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Feeling hot
  • Confusion
  • Shakiness
  • Fainting
  • Seeing blurred spots in your eyes.

If you have VS and you faint, your blood pressure will quickly return to normal. But you'll need a few minutes to recover fully if you don't faint.

Hormonal swings

During sex, your body produces hormones and neurotransmitters, which are powerful when combined. These chemicals lead to intense euphoric feelings, which may cause dizziness. Some people may feel dizzy when their bodies return to normal and release sex-related hormones.

During sex, the body may also release dopamine, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel happy and motivated during sex. Some people whose bodies release dopamine can experience a rush during sex, leading to dizziness.

High blood pressure

Pass out sex can also be due to high blood pressure, as sex, especially an intense one that lasts for an extended period can leave you breathless. High blood pressure increases the heart rate, which causes the dizziness that worsens as sex intensifies.

As the intensity of sex reduces, your heart rate will gradually return to normal, and your dizziness will ease.

If you have high blood pressure, see your doctor to check your blood pressure levels.


A stroke is a condition that occurs when there is no blood flow to the brain due to blockage or leakage of blood vessels. Though rare, stroke can cause pass out sex during sexual intercourse. People who have greater chances of experiencing a stroke during sex include:

  • Older people
  • People with a history of stroke
  • People with a history of heart problems

If you feel dizziness during sex that doesn't go away after some time, it could be a sign of a stroke. Other symptoms to look for include:

  • Confusion
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Slurred speech
  • A sudden uneven smile
  • Numbness or tingling on one side of the body
  • Not able to raise both arms to the same height
  • Drooping on one side of the face

Heart-related problems

Pass out sex and dizziness after sex is not always an issue. But sometimes, it can be a sign of serious heart health problems, which are common in those at high risk of developing heart disease like:

  • The obese
  • Those with high blood pressure
  • Those with a family history of heart attack

The following symptoms can help you know if you have heart-related issues:

  • Frequent dizziness
  • Dizziness after exercise or sex
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Heart palpitations
  • Chest pain
  • Dizziness that takes longer than a minute

Heart-related problems are serious issues. It is, therefore, important for one to have CPR certifications.

Orgasm headache

Sometimes though rare, orgasm headaches can cause dizziness during sexual intercourse. The reason exact cause of orgasmic dizziness is not clear, but experts believe that it can be due to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Pre-orgasm and orgasm headaches are common in males though they can also affect females.


In most cases, dizziness after sex is normal and should not worry you. A normal dizziness after sex should not last for more than a minute. However, sometimes pass out sex can be due to underlying conditions like a stroke which, unlike normal dizziness, lasts for more than a few minutes.

Many factors can cause dizziness after sex, including low and high blood pressure, dehydration, anxiety, vertigo, hyperventilation, etc. It is important to watch out for the symptoms of your dizziness after sex to ensure it is not due to an underlying condition.