While there are several life-altering, sexually transmitted diseases, a blue waffle is not real! This disease only came about due to a lack of sexual health education.

Sexually active young people between the ages of 15- 25 and who are seeking sex advice; mostly turn to the internet.

They often get misled by the incorrect sex information available on the internet. Consequently, they may get involved in unsafe sex practices.

Discover the truth about blue waffle genital disease. Let’s also explore the real STDs, their symptoms, and the importance of arming yourself with the right sexual health information.

Is Blue Waffle Genital Disease Real?

Blue waffle genital disease is a hoax! It is a fictional sexually transmitted disease that is rumored to affect only women or, rather, those with vaginas.

Its existence is said to have been noticed in 2010. Disturbing images of bluish, pus-filled labia, which was also covered with lesions, found their way and made rounds on the internet.

The online users claimed that blue waffle genital disease resulted from sexually transmitted infection (STI).

They further asserted that the disease mainly affected females with multiple sex partners.

However, it turns out that blue waffle disease is not only unrecognized in the medical world but also that no STD is bearing such a name or with symptoms connected with the color blue!

What is Blue Waffle Disease?

It is already determined that real sexually transmitted diseases affect males and females who engage in unprotected sex.

Blue waffle genital disease is only a fictitious STD by internet pranksters.

In 2010, online pranksters began by posting an image of a blue-colored waffle.

The posted image was meant to lure curious and gullible online users. Those who clicked on the blue waffle image were led to discover a picture of blue-tinted labia covered with lesions all over it.

The name of the disease was adopted from the slang "waffle," meaning vagina, and “blue waffle," depicting a serious vaginal infection associated with lesions, bruising, and blue discoloration.

Some of the telltale signs purported to describe the disease include;

  • Vaginal lesions
  • Vaginal itching
  • Burning
  • Smelly discharge

These symptoms can readily be connected with STIs that mostly affect women, such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia.

The pranksters further claimed that if the blue waffle genital disease was left unchecked, it could eventually turn the whole body of a person blue!

In as much as images of the blue-tainted labia might have been photoshopped or doctored, the fact remains that many people fell for it!

This shows how dire the need for proper sexual health education is to avoid being misinformed and misled by incorrect sex information.

Supposed Causes of Blue Waffle Genital Disease

According to online sources, the supposed causes of blue waffle genital disease are as follows;

  • Poor hygiene
  • Engaging in frequent sex
  • Having multiple sex partners

The truth is; all these causes are bogus. Neither poor hygiene nor engaging in frequent sex can result in the genitals changing their color.

The real motive behind this online, made-up STD isn’t very clear yet. It might have been created to drive traffic to specific websites, sell some products, or perhaps discourage women from having “too much" sex; who knows?

The fact that so many internet users fell for the prank only stands to illustrate how easy it is to cause panic and restlessness through the spread of incorrect information. It also serves to emphasize the benefits of having an understanding of the nature and risks of real STIs..

What comes out clearly, is how important it is for you to keep yourself up-to-date on sexual health information. Proper sexual health education equips you with the ability to protect yourself and others by restraining unsafe sexual practices.

Is it possible to contract Blue waffle Genital disease from Frequent Sex?

Sex is part of life, and it's both natural and healthy and should be enjoyable. However, the frequency of having sex is entirely a personal choice.

It is extremely rare to find anyone suffering from side effects or complications associated with having frequent sex.

However, in some cases, one may experience some discomfort, depending on the type of sexual practices they employ.

Although the vagina prepares itself for intercourse by producing its own lubrication, having too much sex can result in the vagina drying out, thus leading to uncomfortable friction.

Some sexual practices such as rough intercourse can cause vaginal swelling and may also result in tearing of vaginal tissues. Consequently, the tearing of the vaginal tissue can put a person at a higher risk of developing a vaginal infection.

Real STDs with Similar Symptoms as Blue Waffle Disease

Even though blue waffles may be an imaginary disease, real sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections are associated with some of the symptoms that resemble those purported to be linked to the blue waffle genital disease.

These symptoms include;

  • Unusual, smelly vaginal discharge,
  • Itching, burning, and swelling around the vagina
  • Burning sensation when passing urine
  • Pain when having an intercourse
  • Reddening of the vulva

These symptoms show that a person may be suffering from;

1. Vaginitis.

When the vagina becomes irritated, inflamed, itchy, with unusual discharge, it may turn out that a person has vaginitis.

Vaginitis is a fairly common condition that affects most women at least once in their life span.

While some vaginitis – commonly known as vaginal infection, may cause serious discomfort, it isn't always sexually transmitted. Sometimes it results from sexual transmission, while other times, it results from allergic reactions due to chemical or bacterial changes in the vagina.

In most cases, it is caused by infections such as candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis, and trichomoniasis. Sometimes it occurs due to mycoplasma, but this is very rare.

2. Chlamydia

Chlamydia is a disease that is mostly sexually transmitted and affects both men and women. An infected person passes it to another person when they have unprotected sex.

In most cases, Chlamydia does not show any symptoms. However, if left unchecked, it can spread to the uterus and fallopian tubes and may result in serious complications, such as infertility.

The good news is that there is an available treatment for this sexually transmitted infection.

3. Gonorrhea

This is one of the commonest sexually transmitted infections. It is passed from one person to the next through sexual contact.

With early detection, gonorrhea can be effectively dealt with. On the other hand, it can cause long-term complications if not treated early enough. Complications such as epididymitis, an inflammation of the tube that carries sperm, may occur in males.

If a person is diagnosed with gonorrhea, the health provider must report the results to the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System since gonorrhea is one of the reportable diseases.

Importance of Safe Sex and preventing STDs

Safe sex means using barriers that lower the risks of contracting or passing on STDs to others. These may be male and female condoms for genital sex and female dental dams for oral sex. Safe sex secures sexually active people from STDs and keeps them healthy.

If you are sexually active, you should regularly get tested for STDs, even though you use condoms when having sex. It is also important to note that contraceptive pills do not offer protection against STDs.

Early detection is the surest way of controlling and treating sexually transmitted diseases.

Benefits of Sexual Health Education

The blue waffle saga exposed how people turn to the internet to seek sex education. However, it is unfortunate that there is so much false information all over the internet, and many young people get misled by myths and non-existent diseases such as the blue waffle genital disease.

Without awareness and proper education on STDs and safe sex practices, those seeking sexual health education may continue to be misled by incorrect sex information online.


Blue Waffle genital disease is non-existent. It was created by online pranksters, who wrongfully associated it with symptoms that resemble vaginal infections, including; Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis.

Many people got fooled by the prank, which shows that people don't have enough sex education.

This has led to many being misinformed and misled by the false sex information available all over the internet.

Diverse sexual health education is key if young people are ever going to get empowered with facts and tactics to protect themselves and others against the menace of STDS.