Kissing to spread sexually transmitted diseases

It does not matter what kind of kiss as any would lead to the transmission of the herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (HSV-1, HSV-2) and the syphilis bacteria as recorded by Teena Chopra, the M.D at Detroit medical center. The officer says it is not a reason to cause peoples withdrawal from kissing, but it is to alert them of the risks associated with spit-swapping. People afraid of knowing their status can go for private STD testing.

Herpes virus and kissing related effects

Usually the HSV-1 and HSV-2 are often contracted among the many STDs and once in the body they last for a lifetime. This is because after infection the bacteria may enter latent stage and become dormant for years only to reactivate later causing recurrent diseases. For this reason, people who don’t know their herpes virus state (infected but in latency) would still transmit this virus without their knowledge. HSV-1 causes oral herpes and is transmitted through unprotected oral sex while HSV-2 causes genital herpes and majorly occurs due to spread from the mouth to the genitalia or through spread from the genitalia to the mouth.

Signs of the infection and prevention of Herpes virus infection

  • The infected patient should be diligent to know the symptoms that signal an outbreak when most infection occurs, i.e. a herpes flare
  • burning
  • itching
  • tingling effects by herpes sores

To prevent such transmission the infected should consult the doctor for medications that would lower the chances.

The uninfected partners should also encourage their infected not to be embarrassed since it seems to be a common disease among the Americans.

Syphilis and kissing related effects

CDC reports that syphilis unlike herpes will present in four stages all which shows different signs and symptoms i.e.

  1. Primary syphilis –patient have sores around the mouth and genitals
  2. Secondary syphilis- patients show skin rashes, swollen lymph nodes and fever
  3. Latent stage- dormant stage with no signs
  4. Tertiary syphilis- linked to severe medical problems and if left untreated would cause damage to the heart, brain and other body organs.

The transmission is when in contact with a sore during the first three stages through vaginal, anal, oral sex and kissing too. The medical director suggests that the only way to avoid syphilis is to say no to sex and kissing, which is almost impossible and thus advices on measures to reduce the risk. The measures include:

  1. knowing ones syphilis status and going for testing
  2. nixing a kiss upon seeing sores in the mouth
  3. ensure regular testing, especially for syphilis with or without visible sores