Why STD Stigmatization Must Be Stopped

What would be your feeling if you were diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease such as gonorrhea or chlamydia? Definitely that wouldn’t be a comfortable spot for you to be. Our society is structure in such a manner that infections associated with sex make so many people uneasy. We tend to assume that whenever one has a sexually transmitted disease is because they live an immoral life hence they are being punished for their misdeeds. But that is not true. It could be probably you have unfaithful partner that brought the disease home or many other factors unrelated to immoral behavior.

Despite these facts, the misconceptions against sexually transmitted infections continue to make it hard to battle the STD stigmatization these patients face daily. As such, we need to step up our game and combat it before things get worse again. How can we do that? Read below key strategies for fighting stigmatization.

1. Educate yourself

Anita Gadhia-Smith, a psychotherapist practicing in Columbia explains that people who get diagnosed with STI’s typically withdraw to a dark corner of loneliness. However, she discourages this and says that “You must get educated about vital aspects of the condition.” This would go a long way in letting you know that you are not alone.

Besides just self-education, the masses must also be brought onboard through education programs meant to enlighten them on different types of STD’s. Education is power, which would give individuals the courage to stand up against the stigmatization of this group of patients.

2. Join a Support Group 

Walking together is much better than walking alone. There are so many social support groups aimed at serving individuals with STD. These support groups share helpful information, including Same Day STD Testing, treatment options and also allows you a chance to share your anxieties and worries. For those who may not be free to join the old-school support groups, there are a couple of online groups that you can be a part of and provided with same day STD testing.

3. Avoid Acquaintances Who Shame People With STD

Many a time our environment determines our perceptions about a matter. If you have friends and relatives who often shame people with sexually transmitted infections, it may be about time you disconnect from them. These just serve to make you more uncomfortable with your condition, which can be quite traumatic. Instead, make friends with tolerant and understanding people who can take you through the whole treatment process.

 4. Never Hide Your Condition From Your Partners

When you are dating and get diagnosed with an STD, the first thing to do is to inform your partner. Don’t sleep with them yet again while you still hide this crucial information. IF it’s a new partner, somewhere along the third date could be the right time to reveal this information, prior to having a romantic connection.