Check The Following Points And Keep STDs At Bay

We all know how comfortable and good we feel after a shave down there. It can be disturbing to hear that by doing so we will be increasing our chances of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. The intercourse itself without protection is enough to make you get infected, whether you had shaven or not. Some may observe that if one shaves and immediately participates in unprotected sexual activity they increase the risk of getting diseases through the open poles. STD Testing is vital to ensure that your partner is as clean as you are.

Having A Previous Infection Of An STD

A previous STD infection will leave you with sores and tears on your skin. Such will be Great Avenue for the access of the bacteria and viruses to your body. For that reason, you should be very careful even if you have been treated and cured for it, because if you don’t do an STD Test to determine whether your partner is clean, you might easily be infected again. STD Tests will save you a great deal because you will be assured of safety from a repeat infection.

Being Under The Age Of 24 Is A Risk By Itself

Young adults don’t have the courage to seek reproductive health medical services, and so they prefer to go for Private STD Testing. If you are within that age bracket you should understand that it will be easy to contract the disease that is if you don’t practice safe sex, your partners may want to lure you to having sex without protection and your no should be firm. Based on research done by CDC, young women are more vulnerable because unprotected sex puts them at a risk of becoming pregnant.

Douching In Relation To STDs

There is no significance in douching. Some may think that by douching they are cleaning themselves down there, but over 80% of the women who do it are more prone to contracting STDs than their counterparts who don’t. By douching you not only remove healthy bacteria that are supposed to be in your vagina, but you will be pushing the unhealthy bacteria deep inside, something that will make the chlamydia or gonorrhea to bring about pelvic inflammatory ailment or infect the uterus.

Avoiding To Use Lube

Having sex when your vagina is dry will obviously cause it to tear. That creates openings through which viruses and bacteria will get into your body. If using a condom, chances are that it will break and so you will need to do some Private STD Testing to determine your status. Apply lube therefore helps you to enjoy safe sex.

Even when you are sure that you practice safe hygienic practices you should go for even Same Day STD Testing to ensure that you are always free from STDs, or seek for medication sooner.