Dermatologists on Front Lines of Treating STIs

It is surprising even with increased love and lust awareness; people are yet to know the ever increasing rise in statistics of the STDs with over 100 million STDs infections across the nation with 20 million being new cases. Also the half of those cases is more evident among youths aged between 15-24 years. Chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis cases are on the rising rate always.

STDs skin symptoms may go beyond warts and herpes and thus people should not assume that it is only evident around the genitalia and surrounding skin but might be found in other regions not associated with sexual activity.

Herpes simplex virus 1&2, Human papilloma viruses are responsible for genital warts while gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia, HIV may also reveal other skin related symptoms. Other diseases like scabies and virus molluscum contagiosum may be transmitted too through sexual intercourse.

For example, chlamydia and gonorrhea can cause pink eye, skin rashes would result due to gonorrhea and syphilis on different body parts, including the hands and feet. HIV’s effect on the immune system usually causes various skin problems. Find out the relationships between STDs and dermnatologists.

It is significant to be alert to certain dermatological changes and thus seek help and treatment in cases of STIs before complications develop. It is in this regard, that dermatologists need to be involved in the fight against STDs,

 Recommendations regarding STDs and dermatologists.

  1. Ensure close contact with your trusted doctor to offer antibiotics and antiviral in case of an infection
  2. Take prompt action to consult your doctor when you notice skin symptoms even before they disappear, some may enter latent stage and recurrence will cause severe problems.
  3. Visit the dermatologists to examine the skin outbreaks outside the “intimate” areas since some STIs will affect eyes, feet, hands
  4. Always use protective measures e.g. Condoms, vaccination against HPV, and frequent testing.
  5. Sharing your travel history with your trusted doctor upon noticing some skin symptoms since some nations suffer extra STDs than what you are familiar with.

Besides the above recommended cause of action, it is important to remember that regular STD tests are important. The STD tests are crucial when you have multiple partners or do not trust your partner.