You must listen to your body

Are you familiar with vaginal discharge? What is coming out of your body may be a sign of what is really going on in your body? One of the facts about vaginal discharge is that it may tell you a lot of what is really going on in your vagina. While most of the alterations in the vaginal discharge along with the smell may seem typical, the others can also show signs of STD or if you just need to drink more water. It is best to find out more about your vaginal discharge and what is really happening down there. In terms of the vaginal discharge, something different might not be typical. 

Facts About Vaginal discharge and why it occurs?

Though, during the teenage years of boys and girls, there is a sudden rise in the estrogen level and other hormones of the body, this is where vaginal discharge starts, this is also the time when the breast starts to grow, the height of the teen also improves, the growth of hair in the leg and the underarm area is also starting to become prominent. Girls experience hips widening, acne for some teens and the start of menstrual period will soon take place. The typical vaginal discharge is just the usual way of the body in getting rid of the vaginal cells that are dead and thus it keeps the vagina clean all the time. This is the reason why touching the vagina is not really required.  You must only wash the vulva or the outer part of the vagina using a mild soap and water.  If you are healthy, the discharge will be white or light yellow upon drying. It can have a mild odor and that may vary in the thickness during the menstrual cycle.

What the discharge needs to let you know?

  1. You might be stress out

Typical vaginal discharge is typically clear or white in color and there is no odor that may be noticeable unless you really smell it and place your nose nearby the discharge. The normal discharge may change in consistency throughout your menstrual period. Stress can cause vaginal discharge. If the discharge is smelly, it may also be accompanied by pain, bleeding and discomfort during an intercourse or when you urinate.

2. Dehydration

There are some with lots of discharge, while some have very little. Some women might not know that they have thin or thick than the typical vaginal discharge when they are dehydrated, just like you might see and more intense urine when you are dried out. What may be normal for others might not be for you. Vaginal discharge is because of the water in the body and bacteria along with some of the yeast along with dead vaginal cells and cervical secretions. You must be familiar with your body; to know what it has to say.