
STD Labs Blog :: Page 40

Date:   July 5th, 2019
Get Tested Now

Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Benefits of STD testing and early detection

Ever wondered why you need to go for an STD testing? Or better still, have you ever thought about why some people consistently and regularly go for STD testing?

Date:   July 2nd, 2019
Get Tested Now

Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

What the HIV Rapid Tests entail

It's disheartening to learn that there is still a stigma surrounding HIV. While the stigma continues, the good news is, more people are living pretty well with a positive diagnosis.


Date:   June 28th, 2019
Get Tested Now

Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

How to survive from the risk of HIV Transmission for Mixed-Status couples

Imagine being in love with your significant other for a long time then come to learn that they are HIV positive while you are negative. Would you still stay or would you walk? It is pretty tricky to provide an answer to that, I suppose.

Date:   April 19th, 2019
Get Tested Now

Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

If you’ve been having sexual intercourse, have many sexual partners, or for any other reasons you are worried about your STD/STI status, talk to your medic or any other health care provider to get tested for the leading common STDs.

It might sound awkward having a discussion on STD/STI testing, but it’s very essential.  Some of the STIs/STDs might not show any signs and symptoms and are likely to weaken the body immunity system.

Date:   April 5th, 2019
Get Tested Now

Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Statistics according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention say that there are over 21 million new STI infections in the United States annually. I think we can safely say it is a pandemic and more people should be getting tested.

Basically, anyone who is sexually active should consider taking an STD test. However, people in the following categories are considered to be at higher risk and should definitely take the test.

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