
STD Labs Blog :: Page 75

Date:   October 30th, 2016
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Zika continues to march around the globe

At first, it originated from Africa and later spread to other nations. To some countries, the malady is on a spreading rampage with several cases being reported in countries like Singapore. The illness is transmitted via bloodstreams and is mainly executed by tourists and business personalities. It is hard to detect someone who is infected with this malady as the symptoms are not easily visible. Also, the disease spreads very quickly, and it’s very hard to determine the person who has the malady. Are there any other means that can spread the illness? It is also estimated that some infections are caused by mosquitoes.

Date:   October 27th, 2016
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Reduce STD rate

The Clark County has had a rise of the STI cases, including syphilis with over a 1000% over the last five years.  The use of drugs is the primary cause associated with the increase according to Vince Carter, a Health Educator.  He says it has an impact on the numbers sine people do things they wouldn’t have done when sober. The Clark County Combined Health District says the number of syphilis cases increased from four in 2011 to 46 last year. Hepatitis C has a 140% rise, Chlamydia with 40% and 113 cases of gonorrhea since that time. This year 142 cases of gonorrhea have been reported.

Date:   October 24th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

The STD capital of California

Monica Valera, an 18-year-old college student from Shafter, knew no place to get tested for STIs in her hometown until when she spoke to Fusion three weeks ago. She is an undocumented person with no health insurance plan before enrolling in her university last year. She has learnt a place where she can for free or cheap –cost STI testing.  The Planned Parenthood in Bakersfield is something most people don’t know. Valera asked her 17 years old brother if he has an idea of the reproductive health provider. He had no idea and went further ask if it serves the girl child only. The services are open to all genders.

Date:   October 21st, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

The Zika crisis

The millennials must take up the lead to deal with Zika crisis.  When authorities discovered 14 cases of Zika in the neighboring Wynwood, Petie Pizzaro, 28, decided to create something out of the situation which resulted to pesticide spraying over his condo. Pizzaro cited drama on Tinder dating app, which is popular for hook-ups.  28 local cases of Zika in South Florida were later discovered by Friday whose root is Wynwood.

Date:   October 19th, 2016
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Common STDs for men and women

The released information on Blue Waffle Disease been deadly citing it is not a joke and that someone had witnessed a girl they knew die from the disease.  The symptoms given included the information of waffle-like growth around the vagina causing it to discharge pus. However, all this was a joke and a myth that has circulated in high school classrooms for a while.  On April, pranksters brought back the legendary disease to the attention of a New York woman councilor, Kathy McBride who ended up calling an impromptu meeting with the national health department.  It was an embarrassing moment. However, she would have made the most out of the situation been that April is a National STD Education and Awareness Month.

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