
STD Labs Blog :: Page 14

Date:   February 7th, 2023
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

A vagina is a sign of identity and confidence for women, making it the most important part of their bodies. The genitals of women have many components, including the major and minor labia, and these components vary with each woman in shape, color, size, and smell.

This usually confuses women, and they think their genitalia are not normal if they feel enlarged and protrude when they wear skinny clothes. But you should know that there is no standard for normal when it comes to the growth of genitals- what is normal to you is not normal to another person. Your genitalia is perfectly normal regardless of size unless it causes pain or discomfort.

Date:   February 3rd, 2023
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Is it genital warts or skin tags? These two conditions are common and present benign skin growths that look the same, making it difficult to differentiate, especially for the untrained eye.

These two conditions are harmless though genital warts are a sign of infection; therefore, they need treatment, but they usually go away on their own. However, knowing whether what you develop is genital warts or skin tags can be a problem because these conditions present almost similar symptoms.

Date:   January 31st, 2023
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Have you ever experienced a piercing and shooting nipple pain that takes your breath away for a moment in your nipple? Or sore and tender nipples that worsen with touch? And you might have wondered or still wondering why your nipples hurt.

Your nipples consist of sensitive tissues that even mild friction from clothing can irritate, making them sore and painful. Nipple pain is common in women though it can also affect men. In most cases, nipple pain is not a concern as they heal on their own and do not require treatment though you should see your doctor.

Date:   January 27th, 2023
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

Contracting an STI is embarrassing, and disclosing this information to your partner or doctor can be daunting. But, the only way to know what STD you are having is to see your doctor and get STD testing, which is relieving because you can know the next course of action.

But it cannot be a relief to some people if they find out they have herpes because it has no cure. However, you should take it easy because you can treat this infection with readily available antiviral medications. You might wonder if there are natural and home remedies for treating herpes besides medical treatments.

Date:   January 24th, 2023
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Lab visits that take as little as 15 minutes & results in 48 to 72 hours

FDA approved or CLIA certified Lab Centers

It is normal to have pimples on your vagina because, in most cases, they are not severe, but they can cause discomfort and irritation. Vaginal pimples have the same appearance as those occurring in other parts of the body though they may have slightly different in their properties:

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