Statistics show that teenagers make up about half of the new cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) diagnosed every year. The feeling of invulnerability leads most teens to indulge in high-risk sexual activities. Only after they suffer from the painful consequences of their actions do they realize the gravity of their mistake.

Every sexually active teen who is asking “Importance of STD prevention” should take heed and follow these safe sex practices to reduce the risk of STDs including gonorrhea, HIV, Herpes, HPV, and syphilis.

Use A Condom During Sex

Condoms are about 98 percent effective in reducing the risk of STDs, if used properly. We recommend using latex condoms as they are less likely to tear during intercourse. Also, keep in mind that both male and female condoms are available. Condoms are relatively inexpensive and don’t require a prescription for purchase.

Get Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated will also help you to avoid contracting some STDs. Not all sexually transmitted infections have vaccinations, but we recommend teens use the ones that are available to them. Vaccinations are available for both Hepatitis B and Human papillomavirus (HPV).

Know Your Partners

Before entering into a sexual relationship with another, you should not shy from asking the partner about his or her past sexual history. Consider asking whether the person had indulged in high-risk sexual behaviors. You should think twice before engaging in sexual intercourse with the person who engages in high-risk sexual activities, simply because it puts you at risk as well.

Use Water Based Lubricants

Water-based lubricants such as Astroglide or K-Y Jelly can also help in reducing the risk of STDs. Using lubricants can prevent the tearing of the skin during intercourse. While lubricants themselves are not effective in preventing STDS, they keep you from tearing and creating open sores where infections can more easily enter your bloodstream.

Avoid Sharing Sex Toys

Never share sex toys with others. Used sex toys can be a source of common STDs like herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and many other sexual diseases. You can easily contract a sexual disease if the sex toy contains infected blood. Also, remember to sanitize any toy you use each time it is used to ensure it stays clean.

The above safe sex practices will allow you to remain safe during sexual encounters, thus the Importance of STD prevention. Keep in mind that early detection of STDs is important otherwise it could lead to serious damage to the body. If you are still wondering, “Why is STD prevention important for teens,” we want to leave you with one last thought. Most STDs do not show any symptoms or signs. The only way to find out whether you have contracted a disease is through regular STD testing.