Zika continues to march around the globe

At first, it originated from Africa and later spread to other nations. To some countries, the malady is on a spreading rampage with several cases being reported in countries like Singapore. The illness is transmitted via bloodstreams and is mainly executed by tourists and business personalities. It is hard to detect someone who is infected with this malady as the symptoms are not easily visible. Also, the disease spreads very quickly, and it’s very hard to determine the person who has the malady. Are there any other means that can spread the illness? It is also estimated that some infections are caused by mosquitoes.

The grave situation of Zika

Scientists have been working hard to determine the effects of the illness. For instance, they have discovered that the virus has already spread to several parts of the world which make it hard for medical practitioners to combat it. Sources are depicting that it first emerged from the forests of Uganda. The same sources indicate that the symptoms were extremely mild with extreme cases being recorded among kids who were born with deformities. Also, it has resulted in several deaths and some paralysis in some cases. It has triggered governments to offer peer education to their citizens to inform them about the importance of abstaining from awkward sexual encounters. On the flipside, the countries where tourists originate from in large numbers such as the USA are told to be careful when visiting Africa. Also, they are cautioned against engaging in uncouth sexual behaviors that may lead them to contract the malady. 

Do we have a vaccine for this malady? Absolutely no, scientists are still working very hard to ensure we get the cure to this illness. There have been some positive remarks that the cure might be on the way. For instance, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Maladies has depicted that they may enroll their phase one of the vaccines very soon. The number of people who are affected in an area will determine the number of trials to be conducted. Besides, they are looking for prudent ways to combat the virus that is causing the infection.

The breeding spot for mosquitoes

Is vaccinating and treating people enough? We, it is fruitless to conduct the process without eliminating the source. Thus as a scientist are working very hard to drive the cure home, officials, on the other hand, are working hard to ensure they are controlling the spread by targeting the breeding areas. Some of the officials are using the tradition methods where the clearing of bushes and removal of stagnant is applied. Others also use the chemically produced elements such as pesticides and laryicides to keep them mosquitoes at bay. If the breeding ground does not tamper with then, the rate of production may overwhelm human beings. For instance, it is estimated that a female with Zika that is infected is in a position to lay approximately 150 eggs.

There has been substantial evidence of the disease spread from one area to another. Some of the common states where there is proof of the virus are United States, Caribbean, Europe and Asia. Well, drastic measures should be embraced to ensure this virus is combated.