Things to Know About a Healthy Intimate PH Level

What is Vaginal PH?

PH refers to the level of acidity in the vagina. Ideally, a vaginal PH should be somewhere between 3.5 - 4.5. If your PH is within this range, it indicates that you have the perfect amount of good bacteria in your vagina and no excessive growth of bad bacteria. Having too much bad bacteria can cause things like odor, irritation and even infection.

What Factors Can Cause An Imbalance?

There are several factors that can contribute to an imbalance in your vaginal PH. For instance, anytime there is a significant change in your hormone levels, the healthy PH level may be upset. Hormonal changes typically take place during pregnancy, menopause, or while taking birth control.

In addition to hormonal changes, harsh body washes and even some intimate washes may cause a shift in vaginal PH. It recommended that women use feminine washes that are specifically formulated to encourage healthy bacteria growth in and around the vagina.

Does Cleaning Help?

Many women use douching as a way to eliminate vaginal odor and maintain a healthy PH level. However, recent studies have shown that the regular use of douches may actually be detrimental to a woman’s vaginal health. Using them more than once every few months can remove the good bacteria and encourage growth of bad bacteria in your vagina.

The Link Between Diet and Healthy Vaginal PH Level

Research has shown that regular ingestion of probiotic-rich food can help to maintain a balanced PH level. The probiotics will eliminate any bad bacteria that is growing and encourage the growth of good bacteria. These foods include sauerkraut, yogurt, and kimchi.

Intercourse and Vaginal Cleanliness

Sexual intercourse can affect your vaginal PH level in more than one way. From irritation to latex sensitivity, there are multiple ways that having sex can create an imbalance in your intimate PH. The most realistic way to maintain a healthy PH level while still being sexually active is having good hygiene and using products that promote good bacteria growth.

Vaginal Discharge and PH Level

Vaginal discharge is a great way of ensuring that you are maintaining a healthy intimate PH level this is according to facts about vaginal discharge. It’s color, odor, and consistency all have the ability to indicate a shift if your vaginal health. Clear or white vaginal discharge are markers of a healthy intimate PH level. If you notice that you are having secretions that are foul smelling, green or yellow, and very thick, you should seek medical advice to ensure that you have not developed any type of infection.

Maintaining a healthy PH level is a constant balancing act between your hygiene, diet, and sexual activity. Being aware of your own body and knowing when something has changed is the best tool you have for keeping yourself healthy. Check out for the facts about vaginal discharge through the post.