What is acne?


The skin has tiny pores known as hair follicles, which function to grow hair. When the sebaceous gland produces excess oil, it can block the hair follicle forcing the hair to curl inside, leading to acne. Accumulation of dirt and dead skin can also block the hair follicle


Author credit: By Dr. Thomas Brinkmeier - Own work, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=106306622


So acne is a skin disorder when air pores are blocked by dirt, oil, dead skin, and bacteria. When the blockage of the hair follicle happens around the genitals, it is called acne in private area. 


What is the difference between acne and pimples?


People use these terms interchangeably to refer to the blockage of skin pores by dirt or dead skin or when sebaceous glands produce too much oil. Or when there is an inflammation of the skin caused by bacteria. But, there is a difference between the two.


When the pore is clogged, resulting in a single bump, it is called a pimple, but when it forms a cluster of pimples or rash, it is called acne. 


These two conditions are most common in the sensitive area of the skin, but they can occur anywhere in the body. Body areas that are susceptible to pimples and acne are the neck, back, face, and genitals.


Before we go further, let's look at what can cause acne in private areas.


What causes acne in private areas?


Acne in private areas is sometimes confused with genital herpes or other STDs causing bumps. However, the causes of these conditions are different. Some of the conditions that can lead to the development of acne include:


Contact dermatitis


Contact dermatitis is a rash that develops when your skin gets into contact with irritants or allergens like harsh chemical substances. Contact dermatitis primarily affects the vagina leading to vagina acne. These irritants may include:


  • Scented sanitary pads and tampons
  • Ladies' hygiene products like deodorants, powders, perfumes, and lotions
  • Soaps, especially fragranced ones.
  • Shower washes
  • Perspirations
  • Semen
  • Urine
  • Condoms
  • Lubricants
  • Spermicides
  • Detergents




Folliculitis occurs when one or more hair follicles are infected by bacteria causing inflammation which usually occurs after the shaving of pubic hair. This happens when the hair curls into the skin. Other than curling inside, sometimes the hair can grow inside, leading to a condition known as ingrown hair.


Certain things can lead to folliculitis. They may include:

  • Shaving of the pubic hair can lead to ingrown hair
  • Putting on ill-fitted clothes that rub the thighs and the groin
  • Using certain products that irritate skin that can lead to follicle blockage
  • A cut or a wound from shaving that gets infected and forms bacteria near the hair follicles.


Folliculitis affects both males and females.


Molluscum contagiosum


Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection caused by a poxvirus, and it is characterized by pimple-like growth that can appear in the genitals and other parts of the body. These growths appear pearly, small, and white. 


Molluscum contagiosum is a contagious disease that spreads through skin-to-skin contact with an infected person or touching contaminated objects. 


According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, once infected, molluscum contagiosum takes 6-12 months to disappear but may take up to four years. 


Acne inversa


Acne inversa is also known as hidradenitis suppurativa. It is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the groin- majorly, sweat glands and under the breast. One of the symptoms of acne inversa is sores filled with pus that leaves scarring after treatment and may reoccur.


Other symptoms of acne inversa include sweating, swelling, itching, rashes, ulcers, bumps, etc. 

Other than these conditions, other factors can trigger acne. These factors may include:



Wearing ill-tight clothes


Another cause of acne in private areas is wearing tight clothes, especially panties and underwear, which can cause friction in your thighs and groin, leading to the development of acne. Apart from the friction, tight wearing tight clothes means the air circulation down there isn't good, and it will be wet from sweat which can lead to developing pimples.


Use of harsh substances


Using products containing ingredients that can irritate the skin in the private area can cause acne. 


In women, using certain substances in the vagina can cause PH imbalance, aggravating the skin. The PH of a healthy vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5. if you use an alkaline soap, it may kill the beneficial bacteria in the vagina leading to the overgrowth of harmful bacteria that may cause acne in private area.


Genetics and hormones


If your parents had acne, your chances of developing it are high because they may form a more robust inflammatory response to bacteria because of the hormonal condition that your parents passed on to you. 


Changes in hormones like testosterone may lead to the overproduction of sebum which, when combined with dirt, dead skin cells, and bacteria, leads to the clogging of pores, thus causing acne in private area.


Treatment and prevention of acne in private area


Acne in private parts is normal and doesn't cause any harm. Because it's hidden, most people ignore them like the ones that appear on the face. You should know that your private areas require as much hygienic attention as your face. 


Like in other body parts, acne in private area is harmless and does not require medical attention. However, to prevent acne and reduce the pain of the existing one, consider doing the following:


Keep your private area dry


After a vigorous exercise, remove the sweaty clothes, which can cause acne or make them severe. The same applies to bathing suits and bikinis.


Remove pubic hair carefully


Removing the hair along the bikini line is essential because it can cause ingrown. However, you should follow the right way of hair removal if you're planning to remove them. Also, ensure you follow gentle shaving practices like using shaving cream or going for laser hair removal if you have regular vulvar acne.


And most importantly, ensure you regularly clean any hair removal tool. 


Use benzoyl peroxide to treat acne


You can treat your acne in private area using body washes medicated with benzoyl peroxide. For sensitive skin, consider using body wash with less percentage of benzoyl acid 5% and below to avoid irritation. It can also be used before shaving. 


Benzoyl peroxide should be used externally.




Acne in private parts is normal like any other. The best way to prevent and treat acne in private parts is to practice good hygiene and avoid using products that irritate the skin.